Thread: Brexit stuff.
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Old 12-10-18, 07:39 PM   #35
Grown up member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 198

Ten years ago I went about my local boot sales like you do, and they had remained much as they had been these last 30 years. Boot sales are the places where those for whom money matters go. And the population attending ten years ago was much as you would find in any post war new town. Some black, some Asian, some others, but mostly white and British.

But a dramatic shift happened some time between 10 years ago and now. A sudden increase in people from Europe could be found in these places....actually the new were from the then poorer European countries. I hesitate to use words like flooded to describe this, , but let us say, an influx of cheaper labour came, who competed for houses, jobs, and school services. Why not...if I was a fit Romanian male who could earn 4 times my salary at home, would I not come here, and think nothing of the "lazy" locals.

But what of our own? What of those born here who might expect their nation state to protect their interests? What of the generation of working class young born and bred in this country now competing with the cheapest workers Romania (et al.) has to offer? Do we ask our youngsters to just man up? To put of their hopes of a house, a mortage, and a good living off for another 30 years because Tony Blair decided Romanians (et al.,) are entitled to work here and can live cheaper and work for less? Would my generation of baby boomers have agreed to that had they been asked when young?

And what of our distinct culture...? Does it not matter that our identity as a nation is lost in a sea of assimilation and Guardianista relativism?

No wonder the majority voted for Brexit despite a tirade of propaganda to the contrary. Look, cheap labour from Europe works in the interests of capital. It advances the interests of those that have money to spend on labour. It does not advantage the interests of the poor of this country. And these people have a right to expect that the nation state will work towards their interests. No wonder people voted for Brexit despite the BBC!

To reverse this situation, those with capital/wealth or unaffected by labour competition need to begin to listen to those who have only their labour to sell. For too long the reality of life on the breadline has been ignored by the comfortable. Those for whom Europe means little more than the cheap erection of another garden feature or the easy purchase of goods...

Until then those with wealth have a better understanding of all this, or they remove the vote from the poor, or they make the BBC more effective as a tool for state propaganda, please expect those ADVERSLEY affected by the international movement of labour to vote as they have.

I voted Brexit because I think those with only their labour to sell in this country should be given priority over those from other nations. I know this is tribal, I know it is ethnocentric, and it is also self interested. But it is no less than what the wealthy do when they send their kids to Eton. It is about looking after your own. In this instance the poor from our nation.
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