Thread: V8 stolen
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Old 19-03-12, 01:54 PM   #8
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Very unlikely to be the police unless it was causing an immediate danger or obstruction (also criminal investigation, but the way in which it was taken mitigate strongly against that). The council are much more likely - it may have been reported as an abandoned vehicle. They would liaise with the DVLA in an attempt to locate the owner. If, of course, the car was on non-UK plates, the DVLA would not have any records. The DVLA can now seize vehicles believed to be uninsured - they liaise with the Motor Insurers database, but write at least once to the registered keeper. My guess would be that a foreign vehicle might be put in the "too difficult" tray as it could have valid insurance. The Police would seize it if it was being driven uninsured

If the vehicle has a "significant value" it will be retained whist enquiries are made, otherwise it may be crushed. We see a classic Audi, they may just see a twenty year old car... Horrible thought.

Unless things have changed in the last few years, the Council would normally leave a notice attached to the car windscreen saying something along the lines of "move it or we take it". Might we worth asking your friend's friend if he saw such a notice, maybe thinking it was a parking ticket or something?
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